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Baptism is such an exciting step of faith, and we are so glad you are considering it. It makes sense that you might have a few questions, and we want to help. Here is a list of frequently asked questions about baptism. If you don't find your answer here, you can always reach out to one of our pastors or contact the church office: office@bbcri.org.
Why should I be baptized?
As followers of Jesus, we get baptized because Jesus commands us to. Jesus gave these instructions, "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20)
Jesus also set the example by being baptized himself (Mark 1:9-11). Baptism isn't about being perfect or having your whole life together. It's about a step of obedience to Jesus that shows we believe in and follow him. Because Jesus went public with his love for us, we can go public with our love for him. Being baptized shows that we turn away from a life of sin and we turn toward Jesus, the only one who can change us (Acts 2:38-41).
When is the best time to be baptized?
For everyone who decides to follow Jesus, baptism is the next step. Anyone who commits his or her life to following Jesus is ready to be baptized (Acts 8:12).
Why do we baptize by immersing people in water?
Baptisms in the Bible were by immersion, and Jesus was baptized by being immersed in the water and rising out of it (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10). Being submersed in the water represents our death to sin and old way of life, and being raised out of the water is a picture of how Jesus gave us a fresh start in life (Romans 6:3-5)! It's a beautiful picture of what Jesus has done for us and a reminder of his own death and resurrection.
I was baptized as a baby. Should I be baptized as an adult?
If you were baptized as a baby, it likely means your parents had a desire to see you grow up to follow Jesus. If you have decided to follow Jesus, now is the time to take that next step of being baptized. If you have been following Jesus for years, but haven't been baptized by immersion, this is an important step for you to take.
However, if you have been baptized by immersion since you decided to follow Jesus, there is no need to be baptized again. If, however, you have never been baptized as an adult after personally declaring Jesus is your Lord and Savior, we would invite you to be baptized.
Do you baptize children?
As parents we can help point our children to Jesus, but they are the ones to decide if they will make their faith their own and commit their lives to him. "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)
At BBC, our desire is that your children will express their own decision to follow Jesus and to truly understand the meaning of baptism. If your child has place his or her faith in Jesus and is interested in being baptized, we would ask you to have a conversation with one of our pastors to help ensure your child is ready for this important next step in their spiritual journey.
Once I sign up to be baptized, what happens next?
A pastor will contact you, explain the next steps and what to expect. All baptism candidates are asked to speak with a pastor. You will also receive some helpful tips on how to prepare for your baptism - how to invite family and friends to participate and celebrate with you - and how to write your testimony of God's grace as you prepare for your video testimony.
Do I have to tell my story on a video?
All baptism candidates are encouraged to prepare for and share their story of God's grace on video so that it can be shared on the day of your baptism. If you prefer to share your story in person just before being baptized, please let a pastor know.
Who will baptize me?
At BBC, normally a pastor will baptize you. However, you may have someone in your life who has made a significant impact on your spiritual life. If that is the case, please let a pastor know to determine if he/she might be able to baptize you.